Privacy Policy

Last updated on 1 Januay 2020

Thank you for downloading the "RADIOOOOO" application (hereinafter the "Application").

This Privacy Policy, which complements the General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Application (hereinafter the "TCs"), has been written in the clearest and most informative manner possible to enable users of the Application (hereinafter "You", "Your", "Your" or a "User") to understand what data on them is collected, for what purposes, in what manner they are kept and what their rights are in this regard.

This privacy policy must be read and validated at the time of Your registration. It is accessible in the "Settings" tab of the Application. This policy may be modified from time to time. Any modification will be implemented after You have been informed of it, for example by means of an e-mail sent to the e-mail address you entered in your user account, or by any other available means. In this case, the "Last Update" date mentioned above will be modified. The new version of the policy, which will also be made available in the "Settings" tab of the Application, will come into effect from this date.

1. Who is the data controller within the framework of the Application?

The data controller within the framework of the Application is the company RADIOOOOO, a simplified stock company incorporated under French law with capital of 99.462 euros, Euros, identified under number 790 366 769 of the Paris Trade and Companies Register, whose registered office is located at 26 rue Richer, Paris (75009) (France), represented by its Chairman (hereinafter " RADIOOOOO ", " Us" or "Our").

2. What personal data is collected within the framework of the Application?

When You use the Application for the first time, You must create a user account. When creating an account, You must enter certain information that concerns you, in particular regarding your identity, namely: name, first name, date of birth, photograph, e-mail address.

In any event, no personal data about you is collected or processed automatically and / or without your knowledge..

3. On what legal basis is personal data collected and processed?

RADIOOOOO does not collect or process any unlawful personal data, which means that all transactions involving personal data within the Application are carried out under a duly determined legal basis.

Because the collection and processing of your personal information within the Application is based on consent, this means that You have an enhanced right to withdraw that consent at any time, as is set out in Article 7 below.

4. How do we use the data collected by us through the Application?

The personal data which concerns you and which is collected as part of the Application, is kept on secured servers and your email address might be used from time to time to send you news about the Service.

This is the sole purpose of the processing implemented. No other use of this data is made. In particular, it is not disclosed to third parties for advertising, promotional or commercial marketing purposes. This will never be the case.

These data is stored confidentially by RADIOOOOO during the term provided for in the TCs. As applicable, they may be communicated to authorities (including judicial), according to a very specific procedure.

5. Who will the data we collect within the framework of the Application be disclosed to?

The personal data that We collect in the context of the Application are not intended to be passed on to anyone. They are personal to You and concern only You. Only You can access it through the Application - which, however, assumes that You do not let anyone else see the contents of the Application.

However, and on an extraordinary basis, it is possible that this data may be of interest to the authorities of the country in which You are located or where You have stayed.

It is therefore only to these authorities, and as long as they provide evidence of their competence and act in the context of a legal procedure (such as a letter rogatory), that We may, if necessary, be compelled to disclose this information. But in such a case, the procedure for disclosing the data that We keep is very strict. RADIOOOOO will never disclose this information in the absence of a formal and legal order. In other words, only when We have no other choice will We disclose the information in question.

6. How long does RADIOOOOO store Your personal data for?

The personal data that is collected in relation to Your identity (that is to say the information you agree to provide us with when creating or updating your user account) is kept by RADIOOOOO as long as the Application remains of interest to you.

We may reasonably consider that if You do not use the Application for an uninterrupted period of 24 (twenty-four) months without connecting to your account, this means that it is no longer useful to You. Your user account will be deactivated at the end of this period, not before sending you an e-mail to announce you this pending deactivation and giving you a chance to prevent it. If You reconnect to the App, then a new deadline will start to run.

In any event, You may request the deletion of your personal data even before the expiry of the above deadlines. To do so, just E-mail us at enclosing proof of identity and a sworn oath that you are not involved in ongoing litigation in which the RADIOOOOO application could be implicated.

7. What are Your rights in relation to your personal data?

RADIOOOOO respects the rights granted to you by the GDPR and the laws transposing it in the various countries of the European Union.

Thus, You have the right to request access to the personal data concerning You which is kept by RADIOOOOO, as well as the right to request the rectification or deletion thereof, or even the limitation of the processing of personal data Concerning you, as well as the right to object to its processing.

This means that You have the broadest rights regarding this data. And for good reason, it's yours.

However, You should be aware that in the event of a request to limit processing or oppose the processing of your user account data, RADIOOOOO may no longer be able to give You access to the Application.

To exercise these rights, you can send an e-mail to accompanied by proof of identity. Finally, You have the right to lodge a complaint at any time with the supervisory authority responsible for data protection. To do so, you can contact the data protection supervisory authority of the region in which You live or, in any event, the CNIL for France:

8. How is your personal data protected?

In its capacity as data controller, RADIOOOOO undertakes to implement and maintain, at its expense, appropriate technical and organisational measures regarding the processing and security of personal data, in accordance with Articles 32 to 34 of the GDPR.

RADIOOOOO thus ensures that these technical and organisational measures are always adapted to the specific risks presented by its processing activities, in view of the nature of the information that could pass through the Application, in particular to protect Your most sensitive personal data against destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access, whether accidentally or unlawfully.

Thus, with regard to the technical measures put in place by RADIOOOOO:

  • administrative access to our servers is limited to certain declared IP addresses held by our hosting provider;

With regard to organisational measures:

  • only certain members of RADIOOOOO's personnel are allowed to have access to your personal data, and only data relating to your identity.
  • access to the data is protected by usernames and passwords;
  • the servers used are controlled by security groups.

9. Is data ever transferred abroad?

In principle, no. However, if foreign authorities ask us to provide them with information about You, we will be obliged to disclose it to them, even if these authorities come from countries outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.

Such a case is provided for in the GDPR, which allows for the international transfer of personal data to states that do not provide "adequate" legislation or "appropriate safeguards" when the transfer is necessary for important reasons of public interest.

But We assure You that in such a case, We will consider requests for disclosure closely and with the utmost seriousness. We will only disclose the information after we have been assured, including through the services of local lawyers, that the request sent to us is legitimate and binding.

In such a case, We will also inform the CNIL.

10. RADIOOOOO has designated a Data Protection Officer

If you have any further questions about how RADIOOOOO collects and processes your personal data, we suggest you contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address: